It's working... It's not working... It's working... It's not working...
My left blinker isn't doing so well.
Or rather, my car's left blinker isn't.
It's fine for quick lane-changes or turning at a stop sign.
But when I have to sit in a turning lane and wait for the light to change...
It starts out strong, like it could click all day. But after about thirty seconds of just clicking and blinking it starts to lose its... umph.
It's pretty comical because you first notice it audibly.
The chipper "tick-tock" "tick-tock" turns into a slightly slower, slightly lower-pitched, "dith-doth"... dith.... doth........dith.........doth..........
And that's about when the light turns and I can go and it happily shuts off.
It sounds so tired.
I almost feel bad for turning left now.
The title of this entry is for my dad.
It's the punchline to the old joke about someone test-driving a car and asking a man standing on the sidewalk if the blinker works.
The man replies...