Saturday, July 30, 2005

Salvaging Success

The more time goes by, the harder it gets to do an update blog. You keep thinking you need to pick up where you left off and catch up to where you are.

I just realized that's ludicrous. Especially considering how rarely I make my blog about keeping tabs on my life. But it usually is why I sit down to write an entry in the first place. It just usually goes somewhere else.

I'm sort of typing-blind here, hoping that'll be the case again.

Made the 2.5 hour drive to Vail to see Confusatron last week.

And funnily enough we did see the band.... but we're about 2.5 hours late to the show (bunch of grandmas; their show ended around 8pm... didn't count on that). It was good to catch up, get info about their next gig... and then go and salvage the night in a new interesting place.

The town was cool, we hung out in (the pedestrian only) Vail Village and the company was great. The night was a fantastic success.

(Apparently up there with my lack of a sense of direction is my lack of ability to find out when to be somewhere... did I ever blog about missing the last train from Dallas to Ft. Worth...? Again, great company, great night... and a special thanks to Scott for the save there.)

Confusatron played in Denver the next night, so I got to hear them then. This time Pablo and the Hemphill Seven opened for them. I grossly short-changed them the last time I mentioned 'em. They are very entertaining, we had a great time. Then Confusatron took the stage and I was so excited to get to be showing them to new people.

So talented.

I think the first time I wrote about them I called them ninjas of music and then took it back because I didn't think that made sense...

I take back my take back.


This thursday we went to Denver and I went country dancing for the first time.

I'm sorry it took my coming up to Colorado to experience it. I'm sorry that I have for so long snubbed it and jeered at it. I'm sorry it took JB so much to talk me into going. But I'm so glad I went.

It was JB's last night here before he left to spend the next couple of months in Florida, so I went in honor of his send off (again, after a little persuasion).

First of all, for the male readership who is reacting to hearing this the same way I would have before my enlightenment, to you I have one thing to say:


What is that? That was the girl/guy ratio on that particular Thursday night at that particular venue.

The venue was HUGE and it was packed.

And the people were as friendly as they are back in Texas... it was great.

Fashion isn't as big a hurdle as I thought it would be either... I didn't need a hat, over-starched shirt and boots, I wasn't at all out of place in a t-shirt and tennis-shoes (well, I guess I would've been out of place if that'd been all I was wearing).

Oh, and don't worry about the dancing, it's no sweat (maybe poor word choice there).

Half the people there don't know how to dance any better than you and the other half are so glad to get some testosterone on the dance floor (word choice doesn't seem to be improving) they're quick to make you feel welcome and show you the moves.

Good week. Great times.

Sunday, July 24, 2005

It's raining.

It's wonderful.