Friday, June 30, 2006

I Will Be Am

I was reading in my journal and found an old entry from last December I thought I'd share:

Acts 3: "Silver and gold I don't have. But what I have I give to you. In the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk."

In the song "Beautiful Day" by U2, the bridge says (I think), "What you don't have, you don't need it now."

It's an interesting thought to me that we already have everything we need. I mean, sure, we may need other things in the future, but it will only be because of anything we have now that we will be able to get it. It will be from the resources and motivation we already possess that we will get or become anything more.

So, in a way, we are the seeds of our own destiny.

I realized today that the reason I get worried or concerned about my life and where it's going is because I haven't accepted that I'm living it now.

I've had no trouble believing I have been developing in character and in spirit and as a human, but as far as fulfilling any role in society or finding a "calling"... those are things that always seem to have qualities of, "will be" or "someday" or even "about to be".

It's like I'm waiting for a door to just pop open in the middle of my path and I'll be like, "Oh, okay. Time for life to start."

Where will I go if I decide that today I am the man I've dreamt, hoped and assumed I would become?