The Blog You Can Practically Trust
Saturday, June 18, 2005
Long Time No Type
Hello faithful readers. Sorry it's been so long.
I actually got back from my (freaking fantastic) roadtrip a few days ago, but had an email waiting for me saying it was my turn to write for the Elseworlds round-robin sci-fi blog.
So I did that first... mostly because I knew I'd want to plug it in this entry. (Though, I'm not sure when my addition will be posted.) (And though, I'm sure it's not really worth plugging.) (At least, not my addition. It's definitely worth plugging the Elseworlds site because some fantastic writers have taken part... not the least of which (perhaps even the greatest of which) is Coy. His wit and genius put the "ton" in "tongue-in-cheek".)
Oh, and a note to anyone visiting the Elseworlds site for the first time: as with any blog, the most recent entry is at the top. So, to catch up you've got to start at the bottom and work your way up.
I'm not going to try and re-cap the entire Northwest U.S. roadtrip but as I remember interesting aspects of it (at least, interesting to me) I'll try to share those tidbits as the days go by. (For instance, a certain Posthaste may appreciate that somewhere in and/or between Wyoming, Montana, and Idaho we crossed a Battle Creek AND a Beaver Creek.)
Oh, and I did take a picture I'm particularly proud of (from the moving car... with an inexpensive digital camera (I'm trying to give all of you reasons to be proud of me for this picture as well)).
I'll post it next.
It's good to be back.
Blog to you later,