Saturday, June 24, 2006

Define: The differences between: Attractive--Beautiful--Cute--Pretty


At 6/26/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just remember: Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. So these could be way off.

Attractive: Appealing. It's a connection. Those qualities that attract. Funny, I think of "very attractive" as pretty. (For a guy, "attractive" is a step down from handsome and good-looking…. Hey, where did the word "handsome" come from? Interesting combination of two words.) "Attractive offers" from car dealers are worth pursuing.

Cute: When pronounced ke-ute: Typically (but not exclusively) characteristic of cute noses, freckles, a giggly laugh and short, petite girls. (This is said with envy.) Cuteness is also a personality…fun-loving.

Pretty: Every girl wants to feel pretty. In all actuality, "Pretty girls are a dime a dozen." Pretty doesn't mean much unless it's a 6-year-old who's declaring it. And then, pretty means the world. Sometimes pretty can come in a bottle.

Miss America Contestants: Pretty, with a good dose of cute patriotism. (Miss U.S.A. contestants are also "pretty," but don't even get me started on the difference in quality.)

Beautiful: Every woman is beautiful. Without exception. Freckles are beautiful, eyes are beautiful, smiles are radiant. Beauty radiates from the core of who they are. This is particularly so if the guy is in love. Being recognized as beautiful is priceless. Oh, and as for the radiating part...OK, so sometimes it gets really covered up, but it's still there...

Gorgeous: Usually the Miss Universe contestants.

Beautiful, Stunning and Gorgeous: Grace Kelly

At 6/26/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...


you are attractive--you have symmetrical bone structure and clear, healthy eyes. you are proportionate. the timbre of your voice is also pleasant.
you arecute--sunshine seethes from your teeth. you also have cherries for cheeks.
you arepretty--and somewhat of a mix between attractive and cute
you arebeautiful--your heart is pure and and your face loves.

beautiful people are by far the most captivating

At 6/27/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

To me...

Attractive: Doesn't mean they're pretty or even that you're attracted to them, but it does mean that you can see how some one could be or is attracted to them.

Cute: (to me) cute and adorable are the same...meaning - in a girl, it would be girly, cuddly, likable, huggable...but not neccasarily pretty. In a guy, it would be boyish charm, but not neccasarily I guess to me, cute is more on personality.

Pretty: is totally based on's a well put together face (you know what I mean...), a nice smile, nice eyes - features that really compliment eachother.

Beautiful: is everything all rolled into one. It's the way their eyes shine when they giggle, the perfect shape of their face, the charm they just exude...I makes sense to me, but you very well could be scratching your head at my thoughts right now. ;)

ps - it's nice to see you blogging again...

At 6/28/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with anonymous about what attractive means. As for...

Cute - cute is when someone's personality captures both your attention and wonder more than their physical attractiveness. Before you know it, you realize that just by being with them you now have a smile on your face.

Pretty - pretty is subtle beauty. It does not strike one, but rather it seems more like a discovery. It is a mysterious pleasantness in both feature and temperament.

Beautiful - I could see a woman or man walking down the street and think that they are beautiful without ever talking to them. Beautiful is a bolder term than pretty and implies that there is some sort of a striking nature about a person....usually regarding his or her physical features.

Fun topic Shad!

At 6/30/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks IH, Lori, Anonymous, and Courtney.

I think these words can have fluid meanings.

I have a friend who, in my opinion, is constantly "misusing" the word "cute". It's kind of why I brought up the topic.

But I understand that it's just my opinion, and for him to say that something/someone he thinks is cute, is cute, is obviously not misuse.

But for example, he'll see a picture of Cindy Crawford and say, "She's cute, don't you think?"


Whether or not I think she has any appeal... cute will never be a word I use to describe Ms. Crawford.

But that makes me realize, I rarely use the word "cute" in general. I'll apply it to something someone does, but not usually to someone. The exception being smaller, younger versions of grown up things, i.e.: children, puppies, kittens...

"Beautiful" kind of changes for me too. If at first glance someone is beautiful, it might not have as much appeal to me as someone who at first glance is pretty. This seems to be different from your definitions. But to me there's something personal about "pretty" and impersonal about "beautiful"... BUT if after getting to know someone they have the combination of qualities (like a couple of you said) they can be defined as beautiful again, but this time in a more intimate way.
(who's scratching their head now, Anonymous?)

For me "Attractive" always seems to come in past-tense. I don't think I've ever met/seen/talked to someone and had the thought, "This person is attractive." It's always later, whether or not in a relationship with them, and I'm thinking about what about them I found attractive earlier on... so never in progress even though I can think I'm with someone who is attractive... it's just never a "first impression" thing.

Make any sense? (I know that's kind of abstract. I think it's just a matter of how we've grown up thinking about things.)

Thanks for taking the time to write/read.

At 6/30/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's funny you should say that about your friend misusing the word "cute." I know a girl who is constantly misusing the word "romantic."

Let's say my best friend is sick, so I stop by to bring her soup or a coke or what that situation, that girl would say, " romantic of you!"

Or I'll compliment her on her shirt or shoes or something and instead of "thank you" she says "You're so romantical!"

It gets annoying real fast. I've actually thought about buying her a dictionary, but why bother? She is Canadian, after all. ;)

ps - this is the same "anonymous" as from the previous comment above.

At 11/26/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

OH MY GOODNESS!!!! so that was extremely confusing with like 50 different definitions from different people. oh my! But thanks for that because I have always wondered about a guys perspective on that. I have no personal opinion b/c its 2 much brainwork to give so many definitions to those so easily spat out words. Did you realise how unthoughtfully we just say words without thinking about what they mean or how other people may percieve them. you notice everyone has their own definitions? I just think if i called a guy cute i would mean like aw, or he has a baby face...something innocent. but yeah mostly used on pets or children. I would say someone is pretty strictly on physical appearance.
Attractive like good looking. Not that i find that person attractive in all cases but that they could be to someone else.
Georgous i would take as a huge compliment, like amazingly beautiful or something. :)



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