Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Super Blogger

Yep, "Super Blogger."

That's exactly what (contrary to popular belief) I am not.

Unfortunately, I only realized it about ten minutes ago.

What happened ten minutes ago?

I found the Super Blogger.

He's a talented artist and story teller. And if you read the comments you'll discover that he brings great things out of people.

But don't take my word for it. Be impressed for yourself.

Well, I'll understand if you never come back to my lowly, normal blog. So if there's a next time... until then.


*Samara, I thought you in particular might enjoy this guy's stuff.


At 11/23/2005, Blogger Daryel said...

I have never laughed so hard.
This kid is funny and he doesn't even know it.
I wish I could write like that.

At 11/23/2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a nice dad to help a kid with his blog. I still think you're a pretty good blogger, and have confidence that your loyal readers will stick by ya. (This means no way can you quit on us, or go for long stretches without blogging. We won't let you get away with it.)

At 11/29/2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

you're right-I do.
But you aren't altogether different from him, I mean imaginary Holidays!!! Now that I love, when can we declare the first Official Grown Up Dress Up Day, in Honor of The Dream of the Sh.


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