Sunday, November 06, 2005


If you haven't laughed in a while, turn on the sound and watch this video.

Is it weird that this makes me want to make movies more than anything else I've seen in a while...?

... yeah, I guess it is.


At 11/07/2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Sorry" for almost costing you your job.
"You're Welcome" for giving you an opportunity to bond with your boss, thus strengthening your job security.

At 11/07/2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If there is an award for best facial expresions, then they deserve it. Wow. Thanks for sharing. My favorite part was the chair dancing...but, then again, I've always been a fan of chair dancing.

At 11/07/2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

How about that guy in the back totally oblivious to the whole thing, what's he doing?

At 11/08/2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah I forwarded on the link to a whole bunch of people & they were all cracking up! Carrie even almost peed her pants :) HeHe! Good times Shad, thanks for sharing some laughs!

At 11/08/2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah, that guy in the back being oblivious is like the third chinese backstreet boy (notice the jersey). i've seen a different video of theirs that they made with matching track suits and the guy in the back turns around for a beat then goes back to the computer. very funny

but i still think the numa numa guy is the best. if it wasn't for him we wouldn't have these guys. he's influenced a whole generation of lip synching, chair dancing, web cam artists. he's the o.g.

At 11/08/2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

sorry for trying to instigate a chinese backstreet boys vs numa numa debate! i just love the canned worms...

At 11/08/2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

$uperpuma: you're $uper welcome!
Oh, and hey, there's something wrong with your blog... I keep trying to read it but your hyperlink leads me astray.

Anonymous: yeah, chair dancing rocks my casbah too, can't get enough of it.

Holly: "Yea" for everything you said in your email, even Carry's almost incident... but had it been an actual incident... maybe not so "yea".

Coy: Yeah, I've seen the numa-dude and though I respect him as a pioneer... these guys are funnier and not so pixelated-- but I should acknowledge that, by the time I saw the numa-dude video, it was pretty over-hyped, whereas this video I just sort of stumbled on... there's just something satisfying about that.

At 11/08/2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh and Holly, Carrie's almost incident is worth mentioning too.

At 11/09/2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

campbell's cup o' worms warning for this post!

yeah i stumbled onto these guys the same way i stumbled onto the numa numa guy. this little independent public access tv show called The Today Show with Katie Couric and Matt Lauer and Jarrod the subway guy does weather.

yeah the backstreet guys have better picture quality and matching outfits(!). music and originality has to go to numa guy as well as he looks funny without needing a costume (that may be sad actually). also i felt the pixelization was an edgy stylistic risk that may not have paid off but i applaud him for his artistic integrity. oh and the eyebrow!

it just shows how our different backgrounds affect our opinions. i stumbled on numa guy before "the hype" (albeit on the today show) but i never got him sent to my inbox once. so his was an on demand whenever i wanted to see him. the backstreeters however...after seeing them on the today show have been everywhere including my inbox so i'm a little turned off. but only because of my own personal experience. the bottom line: numa started it. backstreet boys perfected it. and they are both funnier if you are high on pot.

thank you for providing a forum where people of differnt opinions can come together and have healthy debate under the cover of anonymity!


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