Back From the Texas Motor Speedway
I'm back from my fundraising work-weekend.
It was a lot of work, but I had a great time. I got to meet a lot of new people, all of us working in a BBQ sandwich concession stand to raise money to build an orphanage in Mozambique.
We don't have the final figures in, but I think we may have raised half of the entire cost this weekend (success, I say).
While there I had an idea for a movie/story. Usually if I have an idea I think, There's no way I'm going to blog about that, somebody'd steal it!
But that's for good ideas. This one... not so much. Feel free to take this idea and claim it as your own.
Okay, so we camped out all weekend and I think we were the only people out there in tents. Everywhere else, as far as the eye could see... RVs. It was a sea of motor-homes and campers (they told us there were 240,000 people there on Sunday).
While I was lying awake in my tent one night, listening to the rumble of thousands upon thousands of generators, I thought about how this is an entire culture of people.
So, my idea was about these five different RV living families. They meet at one of these huge events and find that they share similar ideals of being free spirits, and raising children apart from the rest of the world, and answering call of the road.
Well, they end up deciding to travel together for a little while, but it turns into a long while, and they just become this extended family caravan. One of them is a shrewd business man and teaches them how to invest their money, so they all become comfortably well off, sticking to their ideals.
Eventually they all pitch in for this huge secluded plot of land, and decide to make it their haven. (I guess they drop the call of the road.) I have an image in mind, of these five RVs arranged in a huge semi-circle and progressive shots of a big house going up behind each. And then as the houses finish, the RVs are moved behind the houses.
The kids are raised out on this property and when they get to be teenagers something happens to the parents (I don't know what) and the kids have to hop into the RVs and set out (into a world they are almost totally unfamiliar with) to find their folks.
Maybe it has some influence from The Village but I'm thinking more teen adventure/comedy, like Ruskies or Monster Squad or something.
Yeah, it's not that good. But it was way more fun to type about that than how many BBQ sandwiches I made.
I've decided to also include the price list of our concessions (we didn't set these, we just worked for the restaurant company). Our organization gets 8 percent of the profits of our stand.
BBQ Sandwich= $6, Bottle of Coke or water= $4, Little bag of chips= $2, Little bag of M&Ms= $2, Cup of ice=$1. The confused look on people's faces as they watched themselves actually fork it over= priceless.
terrible idea. really. horrible. i am throwing up in a bag as i write this. that's how bad that idea is... or just really, really uninteresting. 'course, i didn't like the village, so who am i to say.
So... you're saying you're not going to make it into an animated feature film...?
At first I thought you were being sarcastic, and I was flattered by the implication... but then I remembered you really didn't like the Village so maybe you werent' being sarcastic, and I felt myself become less than flattered. Oh well.
do worries about the puking man. he def. won't be animating this one, which is really too bad, bc i think it could go somewhere. not sure about where, really, but...
and too bad about the village issue. i really enjoyed the film.
that was suppposed to be "no worries..."
I appreciate that Jonathan.
I don't know where it would go either, it was more of a concept. It isn't supposed to be about their unconnected society (like the village), but about a bunch of kids in an RV gang, trying to find their folks.
i am barfing again just reading this.
janx - did you eat the green turkey? cuz shad and I came up with a pneamonic device to help you remember not to do that if you need it
Actually, I think janx might be on to something. Many cultures vomit regularly to "cleanse" themselves of all sorts of ailments... including spiritual. Some denominations of Christianity still vomit out their demons and bring them to the service as a testimony of what they've... purged from their lives.
Pretty disgusting, but I'm not one to judge. Personally I don't believe that's a good way to get rid of demons, but I do apologize for any inconvenience my blog may have caused in that regard.
dude I think he just said you have demons, Janx. You gonna take that?
sorry, I'm just stirring up trouble for no reason. danged old spirit of strife...wait a minute...*HHWARRFFF!*
yep, that got it up. all better now. well, gotta go to church...
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