Thursday, June 30, 2005

Round Two!

I just got the call (well, actually I got the call about ten minutes ago... while I was in the shower, I heard it ring and had to spot dry my hands and one half of my head so I could use the phone).
The next interview is at 11 today. In... about an hour and a half (correction, I'm not on TX time anymore... it's in 2 and a half hours (... of course, by the time I caught it it's now 8:50... so more like 2 hrs 10 min)).
Fortunately, I was selfish and didn't return JB's shoes yesterday. That'll knock some time off the commute.
To all of my friends who pray, feel free to do so for me... right about... now.


At 6/30/2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Grace Shad! My prayers are with you.

At 6/30/2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

will do. can't wait for the update

At 6/30/2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you so much. The update has been posted.
You guys rock. (and not just because I have a job now, I'm pretty sure you always rocked... I was just too unemployed to see it. ;) )


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