Sunday, June 26, 2005

Hidden Beauty

Has anyone else ever found that when someone suddenly seems more attractive at 2nd or 3rd or even a 10th look than they did at 1st glance, it seems to add a whole new level of interest?

Maybe that's not a good way of putting it.

I just mean, if I meet a girl that's average looking or mildly attractive or even beautiful the first time I see her, but then after talking or some interaction, or maybe even the light catches her just right or something... and there's this moment of, "Oh.... she really is pretty." seems to add something to her attraction.

And more so than just if I'd seen her like that from the start.

Okay, here's an incredibly shallow and ridiculous way of putting it (and NO I don't score people when I meet them... I just feel like this might clarify my point): But if I meet her and on a scale she were like a... 5, but then the "moment of enlightenment" comes and she's like an... 8. Well, now it's more like she's a 9 or a 10... better than if I'd seen her as an 8 to begin with.

It doesn't seem like that makes sense, which is why I've opened this entry as a question.

Could it be simply as selfish as wanting to have seen something in her that maybe few others have seen? Sort of a possessive need to indulge in a beauty that maybe no one else has noticed?

Or is it just a natural reaction to something getting better, instead of staying the same or getting worse? Am I subconsciously thinking that if she's this much more intriguing in these few moments, maybe she'll continue to grow more interesting as time goes on?

Oh, and no, this isn't really referring to anything specific that's happened recently, it's just something I've wondered about before, and was curious if anyone else has had similar experiences.


At 6/27/2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think it is because you have the gift of paying attention. (Not an altogether uncommon gift to the masses, but not as often employed.) And when one pays attention, one is sure to get a return on the investment. "Seek, and ye shall find." And what is that quote from Abraham Lincoln? "Look for the good in people...."

At 6/27/2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let me add:

3rd-to-last paragraph: Not selfish, but an innate sense in us all to recognize, value and desire beauty (though the definition of "beauty" is...subjective).

2nd-to-last paragraph: I'm not very good at the subconcious voice. I'm doing good to recognize the subjunctive voice.

Last paragraph: I've had similar and very opposite reactions. "Oh he's really...hmm...not as cute as I first thought." Maybe it's the response to the "inner person" (not to go sci-fi here)--the real person--being revealed. (I'm trying to work a "sub" word into this paragraph to match the others, but it's not working.)

At 6/27/2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I guess in my head I'm thinking "thank God there's more to it than being physically beautiful!" gives us 5's hope for wooing another:)

At 6/27/2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

20 seconds. she has 20 seconds and then i'm done.

i jest.

yeah, no. maybe i'm going back to that first thing i said. i think i get it quick. rarely am i surprised by what's there (i think i am a good judge right off the bat). not to say anything to 5's or 10's or anyone else...

but what's on the inside makes the outside better, whether someone's a 5 or a 10. like a twinkie. what if it was all JUST YELLOW CAKE WITH NO CREAMY FILLING?

boring, right? yeah. (met some boooooring 10's.)

anyway. i get ya and read ya and agree heartily.

...and somehow you went from shallow to sensitive in a few words. impressive.

At 6/28/2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ditto to the above!...with the exception of da Janx - I'm not sure I'm as good as you are about making judgments right off the bat! The only thing I have to add to all of this is that I love the adventure of captivating one's heart or having your own heart captivated......there's nothing like being sweetly surprised!

At 6/29/2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's what I like to call "sneaky good" - which only gets better. my personal favorite.

At 7/06/2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This seems like a good time to insert a quote I once heard...

"beauty is only a light switch away."'s deep meaning is beyond me, but it just felt like a timely thing to say...


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